Culture Cult Travel Show
Travel and history from around the globe. We are on a mission to learn about every country in the world, but by telling you the craziest history stories from every country.
( This is not a PG podcast and life is more fun that way.)
Episodes out every other Monday.
email me: culturecultshow@gmail.com
Instagram: @culturecultshow
Culture Cult Travel Show
Guyana: The Woman Who Stood Up to Jim Jones: Jonestown Massacre ( pt.2.)
What is Jonestown like today? Were there any survivors of Jonestown and if so who were they? Did anyone stand up to Jim Jones? Today we are covering part two of the the Jonestown Massacre in Guyana. We are covering the stories of the brave souls of Christine Miller, Odell Rhodes and Catherine “Hyacinth” Thrash.
*Please excuse the mic quality as I had some technical difficulties in this episode recording.
Cathrine Hyacinth Thrash’s Story: https://crownhillhf.org/catherine-hyacinth-thrash/
Standing Up to Jim Jones: The Untold Story of Christine Miller and the Jonestown Tragedy
00:12 Recap of the Jim Jones Massacre
00:43 Christine Miller: A Survivor's Story
02:43 Christine's Confrontation with Jim Jones
08:41 The Final Moments of Jonestown
19:40 Survivors of Jonestown
21:24 The Aftermath and Legacy of Jonestown
22:11 The Aftermath of Jonestown
22:43 Unwilling Victims and Evidence
23:17 Mass Grave and Survivors
24:33 Impact on Guyana
25:03 Positive Perception Before the Massacre
25:43 Current State and Dark Tourism
26:31 Memorializing Jonestown
30:00 Personal Stories and Reflections
35:55 Cults and Groupthink
41:53 Conclusion and Next Episode Preview
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To Help Aseel Escape Gaza:
Follow her and support her on Instagram! : @aseel_dentart
Donate to her Go Fund Me ( ANY amount helps)
To Help Sally Escape Gaza:
Follow her and support her on Instagram!: @sallyhjeer
Donate to her Go Fund Me ( ANY amount helps)