Culture Cult Travel Show
Travel and history from around the globe. We are on a mission to learn about every country in the world, but by telling you the craziest history stories from every country.
( This is not a PG podcast and life is more fun that way.)
Episodes out every other Monday.
email me: culturecultshow@gmail.com
Instagram: @culturecultshow
Culture Cult Travel Show
New Zealand: Flight Of The Conchords
Today, we are talking about the rise of New Zealand's most ridiculous band and comedy troupe: Flight Of The Conchords. A band spotify describes as "self proclaimed "fourth most" popular guitar-based digi-bongo a cappella -rap-runk-comedy trio." (for more reference)
Do yourself a favor and listen to their music before the episode! It will make so much more sense and you'll have damn good laugh.
My favorite songs are:
We Are Both In Love With A Sexy Lady
Hurt Feelings
Too Many Dicks On The Dance Floor
Flight Of The Conchords Website
A Texan Odyssey Mockumentary
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Follow her and support her on Instagram! : @aseel_dentart
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To Help Sally Escape Gaza:
Follow her and support her on Instagram!: @sallyhjeer
Donate to her Go Fund Me ( ANY amount helps)